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Founder of Laba Africa Expeditions, Samuel Walugembe Colin is pioneering new, sustainable tourism is some of the world's most remote regions. </p><p>A native Ugandan with strong bonds to South Sudan and the DRC, Samuel creates experiences with a different type of luxury. He is a travel designer who can take you to places that very few tourists have ever ventured. </p><p>"Travel is indeed changing and I strongly believe that the travel industry can only rebound stronger if it rebuilds more sustainably" says Samuel.</p>
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Samuel Walugembe Colin is pioneering new and sustainable tourism is incredibly remote African regions.
Specialist Countries

Samuel's experiences

South Sudan Cultural Safari
South Sudan
Mountain Gorilla Trekking in Mgahinga NP
Spend a Night with Karimojong Warrior Nomads
Sipi Falls Hike & Coffee Tour
Elephants and Bees Conservation Experience
Karimojong Cultural Tour
Eastern Lowland Gorilla Trekking in Kahuzi Biega NP
Democratic Republic of Congo
Congo Community Cultural Tour
Democratic Republic of Congo
Hike Nyiragongo Volcano
Democratic Republic of Congo
Spend a Night in a Mundari Cattle Camp
South Sudan
Horseback Safari, Lake Mburo
Lake Mburo Horseback Safari
Full bio

Founder of Laba Africa Expeditions, Samuel Walugembe Colin is pioneering new, sustainable tourism is some of the world's most remote regions.

A native Ugandan with strong bonds to South Sudan and the DRC, Samuel creates experiences with a different type of luxury. He is a travel designer who can take you to places that very few tourists have ever ventured.

"Travel is indeed changing and I strongly believe that the travel industry can only rebound stronger if it rebuilds more sustainably" says Samuel.